Download our free profit and loss statement Template for real estate agents , a crucial tool for managing your real estate business. This profit and loss statement is designed to help track real estate profit and rental property profit, ensuring a detailed view of your financial health. With sections for income statement entries and calculations of your property’s net operating income, this loss statement template is perfect for assessing your property’s financial performance.

Tracking your property’s financial health requires accurately tracking income and subtracting operating expenses, including sewer owner expenses attributable. For residential property owners, monitoring property income helps maintain a clear picture of financial performance and sustainability.

It’s an invaluable resource for rental properties, assisting both real estate investors and rental property owners. You may also find our rental property analysis spreadsheet template to be helpful.

Download Real Estate Profit and Loss Statement Template

Excel | Google Sheets | PDF

Disclaimer: This template is for information purposes only. Be sure to get any tax or financial help from a CPA, accountant, or certified tax professional.

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Profit and Loss Statement Template Sample

Real Estate Agent Profit and Loss Statement
Revenue Streams
Rental Income$
Property Sales$
Additional Income$
Gross Income0
Operating Expenses
Property Management Fees$
Marketing Expenses$
Legal Fees$
Utility Expenses$
Property Taxes$
Property Insurance$
Depreciation Expense$
Other Operating Expenses$
Total Operating Expenses0
Net Operating Income0
Pre-Tax Net Income0
Interest Payments$
Net Income0
Income Taxes$
Financial Performance
Cash Flow$
Year-to-Date Performance$
Tax Deductions and Liabilities
Tax Deductions$
Tax Liabilities$
To use this template in Excel, simply input your financial data into the corresponding cells in column B. The formulas will automatically calculate the Gross Income, Total Operating Expenses, Net Operating Income, Pre-Tax Net Income, and Net Income based on your inputs. Make sure to get help from a CPA or tax professional, this template if for informational purposes only. By using it, you accept that it’s for informational puroses only.

Download our free real estate profit and loss statement template, the ultimate tool for effectively managing your real estate business finances.

This template enables the tracking of gross rental income, mortgage interest, and various expense categories. It provides valuable insights on income and expense trends, streamlines income and expense tracking, and includes sections for real estate income statement entries, net operating income (NOI) calculations, and cash flow statement analysis.

Real estate investments such as rental properties and broader portfolios benefit greatly from this resource. It keeps track of property value, helps calculate purchase price, includes annual depreciation expense, and delivers critical metrics like debt service coverage ratio and cap rate. It also addresses financial aspects, such as pet rent, late fees, debt service payments, tax reporting, and property expenses, aiding in effective real estate investing.

This tool brings clarity to identifying income, achieving positive cash flow, and simplifying the financial management of your investment property and real estate properties.

Real Estate Income Statement vs. Profit and Loss Statement

There are subtle differences between a real estate income statement and a profit and loss statement is vital for both real estate investors and rental property owners. A real estate income statement focuses on tracking property-specific financial performance, including rental income, operating expenses, property management fees, property taxes, mortgage interest, and depreciation expense. Net Operating Income (NOI), a key metric often calculated within this statement, gives insight into the property’s profitability and excludes debt service.

A profit and loss statement takes a broader approach, summarizing total income and expenses related to the overall real estate business vs. an individual property, including late fees, pet rent, and revenue streams from multiple residential properties. Real estate investors use both tools to evaluate property value, track gross income, calculate the debt service coverage ratio, and measure cap rate, ensuring sound decision-making in real estate investments.

Real Estate Income Statement

  • Tracks property-specific financial performance.
  • Includes metrics like rental income, operating expenses, and property taxes.
  • Calculates Net Operating Income (NOI) excluding debt service.
  • Helps evaluate individual property profitability.

Profit and Loss Statement

  • Provides a broader overview of overall real estate business performance.
  • Captures total income streams, including late fees and pet rent.
  • Includes operational costs like mortgage payments and income taxes.
  • Useful for understanding yearly trends (year-to-date data) and gross income.
FeatureReal Estate Income StatementProfit and Loss Statement
FocusSpecific property financial performanceOverall real estate business activity
Key MetricsNet Operating Income (NOI), Operating ExpensesGross Income, Total Income, Revenue Streams
Includes Debt Service?No (focuses on NOI before debt service costs)Yes (mortgage payments, debt coverage included)
Example ItemsRental income, property taxes, management feesPet rent, late fees, cap rate, income taxes
UsesProperty-specific valuation and decision-makingBusiness-wide financial health evaluation
AudienceRental property owners, real estate investorsReal estate business managers

This comparison highlights how both tools serve unique roles, helping stakeholders manage residential properties, measure financial performance, and drive smarter real estate investing decisions.

Best Practices for Calculating a P&L Statement on a Rental Property

  • Begin with a detailed income statement to capture all sources of total income generated from the property.
  • Calculate both gross profit and net profit to evaluate the property’s profitability accurately.
  • Track real estate transactions meticulously, ensuring that each is recorded in the financial report.
  • Maintain accurate financial reporting by regularly updating entries and aligning them with current tax laws.
  • List all expenses directly related to the property, distinguishing them from common operating expenses.
  • Include all fees paid to property managers or a real estate company for comprehensive financial reports.
  • Use a profit and loss template for realtors to standardize reporting and compare REALTOR profit across different periods.
  • Regularly review the real estate market conditions to adjust financial strategies accordingly.

Common Expenses Incurred

Why Do We Use a Profit and Loss Statement in the Real Estate Business?

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